Kia Sportage: Description and Operation - Auto Lighting Control System - Body Electrical System - Kia Sportage SL Service & Repair ManualKia Sportage: Description and Operation

Third generation SL (2010–2016) / Kia Sportage SL Service & Repair Manual / Body Electrical System / Auto Lighting Control System / Description and Operation

This function describes the following features
Input detection by Auto Light Sensor.
Generate Auto Light Out Status data.
Send Auto Light Out Status.
Tail Lamp Control by Auto light Mode.
Head Lamp Low Control by Auto light Mode.
AV Tail Control by Auto Light sensor level.
Auto Light Mode State Diagram is based on Auto Light Sensor''s level.
Power condition of Auto Light Action
When ACC, IGN, START terminal states, Auto Light Sensor operates.
Schematic Diagrams
Circuit Diagram ...

Auto Light Sensor: Repair procedures
Inspection In the state of IGN1 ON, when multi function switch module detects auto light switch on, tail lamp relay output and head lamp low relay output are controlled according to auto light ...

Other Information:

Key operations
Type A Used to start the engine. Used to lock and unlock the doors. Type B To unfold the key, press the release button then the key will unfold automatically. To fold the key, fold the ...

Bulb wattage


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